Research & Learning

Courses and Resources


Self Learning

Learning by yourself is easy. Follow my lead!

▼Utilize the LibGuides for online learning

This platform serves as a subject guide for enriching library collections, organized by departments, bringing together various types of library resources to assist faculty and students in quickly accessing high-quality academic research resources, saving time on data collection, and rapidly gathering and utilizing research materials.

  • Customized guides for the library collections of each college or department.
  • A helpful tool for finding information for reports.
  • Teaching you how to find resources
Self Learning picture

▼ Utilize the Digital Learning Resource Platform to watch videos online.

The learning platform offers a wealth of course videos, including library tours, library usage, database tutorials, lectures, and computer software tutorials.You can be watched repeatedly to improve your learning

The learning picture

▼ Go to the Database page in the NCHU Library e-Resources System.

Each database introduction includes a brief overview and user manual, helping you to quickly get started.

▼ Read Discovering Your Library: Library User Guide (for Students and Faculty) online to fully understand the services and resources that the library has to offer.


迷你課程Mini Course

Are you interested in signing up for library courses, but having a tight schedule? Here's a mini course for you!

The library understands your worries. We have designed short 30-minute mini courses to allow you to study with greater flexibility. You can learn how to use library resources to conduct research in seconds and easily find English tests as well as research materials for your theses and dissertations! Courses start with only 2 or more people!

  • Sign up for the course: Minimum of 2 to 3 people are required. Application must be submitted 7 days in advance.
  • Class availability:Every Monday to Friday by appointment only.
    Monday 15:00-15:30
    Tuesday 10:30-11:00
    Wednesday 10:30-11:00,15:00-15:30
    Friday 15:00-15:30
  • Course duration:20–30 minutes

Course content:

Roaming Around the World Easily master your language learning and English tests
Literature Research for Your Thesis/Dissertation Master the key to literature research on: (1) Master/PhD dissertations, (2) Journal publications, and (3) Newspaper resources.
Literature Search for Your Thesis/Dissertation Quickly learn how to use Turnitin, a plagiarism checker system.
Subject Guide Recommend library collections based on your subject area and research field to help facilitate your research.
Reading Helper (1) How to quickly locate a book, and (2) How to search for your borrowing history.
Enjoy Reading Use the introductions to library space and services to find a suitable reading nook in no time.
Course for Teaching Assistants How to make use of the library to help you improve your teaching skills (I): Teaching Support (venue equipment and faculty-designated reference materials)
Course for Teaching Assistants How to make use of the library to help you improve your teaching skills (II): Self-improvement skills (literature research skills)

joinclass Attend a Course

Let’s take a practical course!

Do you want to study with your classmates? Do you have questions that you want to ask face to face?

The library has planned an extensive range of courses on library instruction services to enhance students’ ability to retrieve data and write their theses. These courses include topics such as English writing, bibliography management, database learning, plagiarism checking, and thesis upload, etc.

Sign up now for this semester’sresearch thesis workshops

Apply to teach a course

Customize your own course!

Library courses are too popular. I can never sign up for them. My class schedules are so packed that I have no time to attend library classes.

No problem! We’ve got you covered. Lecturers can now submit a course application and invite librarians to teach directly in their classroom!

Course application

Courses are given on a class-by-class basis. Submit your application 2 weeks ahead of the planned course date.

Course duration

60 minutes

Course content

The following are the suggested course contents. They can be adjusted according to different subjects and course requirements. You are welcome to call or email a librarian to discuss course content.

  • Introduction to library services
  • Strategies and methods for research search, cataloging, and WebPAC operations
  • Introduction to key electronic resources (electronic database, electronic publications, electronic books) and use of on-campus and off-campus electronic resources
  • Searching and using core databases
  • Introduction to interlibrary services

Subject librarians

College of Liberal Arts: Ms. Sz-Hua Pan, Ext. 290#147, email: szhua@dragon.nchu.edu.tw

College of Engineering and College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: Ms. Jia-Jing Jiang, Ext. 290#146, email: meera@dragon.nchu.edu.tw

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and College of Veterinary Medicine: Ms. Jung-Jung Chen, Ext. 290#141, email: ronda@dragon.nchu.edu.tw

College of Science and College of Life Sciences: Ms. Yi-Chun Liu, Ext. 290#148, email: yl183@dragon.nchu.edu.tw

College of Law and Politics and College of Management: Ms. Wan-Jen Chang, Ext. 290#143, email: wanjenchang@dragon.nchu.edu.tw

國立中興大學圖書館 Last updated 2024-04-25 11:11:34
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Research & Learning
Courses and Resources
Online self-learning